Hey, taken a small break from The Epic of Tobi. This issue has been breathing for days-on-end in my brain, and I need it slayed. Therefore, I found it healthy to let it out, to ensure I do not end up with ulcers.
Ladies, you do know I adore you immensely. Anhui, there are many things, 'bad' things, that you can do to men; as far as the man-radar is concerned. From being poured on wine or juice in a restaurant for being without vibe, hot-water for messing around with the house-help, sleeping on the couch for forgetting an anniversary etc.; well, I know these are not serious issues, but it does happen. Personally, I think the worst thing a lady has ever tried to do to me, is trying to be-witch me. He he. Yep, bewitching. Aha, you think I am bluffing. Seriously, what would you conclude this to be: a raven feather, enclosed in a paper-bag, under your carpet. I am damn serious. I found this is in my room, and I used to give my room-key to a pal and his girlfriend. Hmm. My pal, also found the same thing under his bed. I hate assumptions, but seriously, what would you say that to be. It is the 21st century, and I am not spooked by such, thus I live my days with sheer peace. As always, its not about me, now....
Recently, I witnessed on our local media, the beheading of man's 'tool of trade'. Okay, I didn't witness it, that would make me a co-conspirator. I heard of the tale. Finish the simile: Monkey is to tail, as man is to ......... Aha, now you know what I am talking about. In summary, it is said that the man, after making sweet loving to his sweets, chose to sleep on the floor, since it was hot. This was in Mombasa. While he was lost in sleep, the alleged sweetheart, woke up, entered his pants, and beheaded him. He woke up, as a result of pain;headless. Now, ladies, this is barbaric. We, men, have not so much to brag about, as far as bodies are concerned. Most of us can't have abs and the likes, thus this tool is what we hold dearest. Without it, well...no words. I tried empathizing with the lad, but my, oh my, the thought of it was beyond my imagination. Get me clear hear, I am not equally amused by men, who rape, violate or even mistreat women. They should be castrated, not be-headed!!
Aha, now, lets make one thing clear too. I know it is not the gadget that makes a man, A MAN. But yet again, it is. Being a man, is not about one's physique, but his modesty, respect for women, responsibility, contribution to society, leadership and guidance etc. But this is a request ladies, I would rather you take away a man's ego, but kindly spare his tool of trade..it is the only vent from his incubator, and a whole generation depends on it. Same with you gentlemen, a woman's vertical smile is sacred and precious. Kindly uphold women with the dignity they deserve, as it's the God given opening that brings forth life.They are the jewels of this earth. Too special to be violated.
*If you shy away from reality, you should probably stop reading this blog. Reality is my choice of speech.*
Ladies, you do know I adore you immensely. Anhui, there are many things, 'bad' things, that you can do to men; as far as the man-radar is concerned. From being poured on wine or juice in a restaurant for being without vibe, hot-water for messing around with the house-help, sleeping on the couch for forgetting an anniversary etc.; well, I know these are not serious issues, but it does happen. Personally, I think the worst thing a lady has ever tried to do to me, is trying to be-witch me. He he. Yep, bewitching. Aha, you think I am bluffing. Seriously, what would you conclude this to be: a raven feather, enclosed in a paper-bag, under your carpet. I am damn serious. I found this is in my room, and I used to give my room-key to a pal and his girlfriend. Hmm. My pal, also found the same thing under his bed. I hate assumptions, but seriously, what would you say that to be. It is the 21st century, and I am not spooked by such, thus I live my days with sheer peace. As always, its not about me, now....
Recently, I witnessed on our local media, the beheading of man's 'tool of trade'. Okay, I didn't witness it, that would make me a co-conspirator. I heard of the tale. Finish the simile: Monkey is to tail, as man is to ......... Aha, now you know what I am talking about. In summary, it is said that the man, after making sweet loving to his sweets, chose to sleep on the floor, since it was hot. This was in Mombasa. While he was lost in sleep, the alleged sweetheart, woke up, entered his pants, and beheaded him. He woke up, as a result of pain;headless. Now, ladies, this is barbaric. We, men, have not so much to brag about, as far as bodies are concerned. Most of us can't have abs and the likes, thus this tool is what we hold dearest. Without it, well...no words. I tried empathizing with the lad, but my, oh my, the thought of it was beyond my imagination. Get me clear hear, I am not equally amused by men, who rape, violate or even mistreat women. They should be castrated, not be-headed!!
Aha, now, lets make one thing clear too. I know it is not the gadget that makes a man, A MAN. But yet again, it is. Being a man, is not about one's physique, but his modesty, respect for women, responsibility, contribution to society, leadership and guidance etc. But this is a request ladies, I would rather you take away a man's ego, but kindly spare his tool of trade..it is the only vent from his incubator, and a whole generation depends on it. Same with you gentlemen, a woman's vertical smile is sacred and precious. Kindly uphold women with the dignity they deserve, as it's the God given opening that brings forth life.They are the jewels of this earth. Too special to be violated.
*If you shy away from reality, you should probably stop reading this blog. Reality is my choice of speech.*
man tool of trade!