Pardon me for the delay in continuing this....
Dawn of the Wedding Day
The early morning sun caressed her tender, chocolate skin as she strolled in the garden, embedding her with a golden- look, like honey straight from the honeycomb. In harmony, the birds showed off their vocal cords, chirping in tune with the graceful purr of the wind, which sought not to miss out on having a feel of beautiful Naima. Mother-Nature was simply soothing and pampering her in preparation for her wedding day. It was six o'clock in the morning, and blushes calmly graced her cute dimpled cheeks as she walked barefoot on the grass carpet, thinking of what the night had in store for her. She knew the day was going to be different; woke up single, but will enter the night married; woke up a virgin, and well, the night would play host to the marvel of her and Tobi becoming one in flesh. She felt flushed. She sat down. As she fathomed the thought, she felt warm and fuzzy: that she would be in Tobi's arms, a man, for the first time in her life, was scintillating. She was proud of herself, having stayed pure for 25 years, and had no doubt, that he was the worthy to be the ultimate bee that stung her honey pot on Honeymoon night.
"Naima! Naima!" called out the maiden of honor, "come in now. We need to start preparing. We don't have all day you know."
"I know," she said as she rose from the grass, "Was taking time to think of what the night holds."
The lady, Ms. Yvette, called up Tobi after her presentation, and sought his answer as per her offer.
"What have you decided young man? I don't have time for chit-chat." she stated.
He thought of the hard times he would be saving his family, what the money would allow him to purchase, the pleasure and adoration from friends for being with a fine, but older woman. Good!! Then he thought of his integrity and faith, and concluded that none of the two would feed him. Tobi crumbled to pressure, pleasure and the allure of money:
"Yes," he told Ms.Yvette, "I will be your toy, for as long as you assure me of the job!" It was a done deal. Tobi had himself a sugar-mummy!!
Dawn of the Wedding Day

"Naima! Naima!" called out the maiden of honor, "come in now. We need to start preparing. We don't have all day you know."
"I know," she said as she rose from the grass, "Was taking time to think of what the night holds."
Pacing down hill, he tried to trace back how the day, meant to be the happiest of his life, changed course so abruptly. Everything had gone into play so smoothly; why did the past have to catch up with him at that particular juncture. Why did he have to be the one to smear glass over Naima's heart and walk all over it. It irked him. If only he had told her the truth, then may be, just may be, he would be making her breakfast in the resort that morning. Sadly, that was a wishful horse, which, with him being the beggar, was never bound to ride. His stomach grumbled; hunger had licked the walls of his stomach dry, but thoughts of his damsel chased it all away. He knew,he only had once chance; and that morning was it.

Twenty minutes had passed, and Tobi found himself standing at the gates of the resort;knees knocking, tummy rumbling, pulse rising-he was terrified. Despite it all, he had to source strength in order to fight for Naima. He fueled his ego with a heavy dose of testosterone and marched forth...
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