The Truth is the closest thing any one will ever have to a close friend. Yep, the truth. Words that come packaged in this wrapping usually hurt so much, that they can make tears well up and ooze from your eyes without intent, yet again the relief it brings is like a trip to the Bahamas. Yeah, been there, done that. Ahem. Strangely though, as much as we crave it, most of us lack the capacity to stand it. In line with that, here is a thought that has been wrestling my senses for quite some time:
There is a norm in our society that I find nagging. I have found it so baseless as someone trying to convince me that religion, and not deeds shall be our ticket to the Godly Land. If the norm was an animal, then it would be a skunk. Guess you know the defense mechanism of a skunk..a spew of some seriously foul smell that can knock a buffalo dead. Eeuuww, right? Anhui, now, how is it, that it is women who are usually highlighted as 'cheap' when a sheet duet session takes place 'fast'. I mean, the making of sweet music prior to even composing the whole song..haha. In layman's language, why is it that women are seen as the sole bearers of the blame, whenever an uncertified nude bonding with a man takes place.Euphemism, loving it. haha. Gentlemen, we are either fathers, future fathers, brothers, uncles etc., and still stand tall to slap this on women. Would I be sinister to state that, regardless of whether consent was reached, if the lady is branded as cheap, then the tag equally lies on the man's table.
Simple and clear: since a human duet, *we all know there are toys*, cannot be done by a woman alone, why should the 'blame' lie on her solo. I seek to address this, because as future parents, the information we feed our kids shall go a long way in defining their character. We cannot have rascals breeding around us, and blame it on the media, or the internet. We have to be honest with each other, call a spade a spade, face reality in the face, and do away with nonsense, that adds no value to any of us. Simply stop the blame game. It is what is robbing us as a nation. Always seeking to blame it on someone else. Disgraceful. No man thinks with his loins first, it all has to be planned in the mind first. Let us cease from cheap excuses.
Heads:should we just chatter and blubber stuff because society has made us think so.
Tails:why should we not question reality where we know it makes no sense. No need to die a copy would be better if you were not born at all, don't you think? Someone has already done what you are doing. You have your life to live, and you choose to live someone else's? I pity you!!
I conclude that such rubbish needs to be whisked as far away from our minds as possible. It is high time we stop passing the buck, and own whatever is due to us. Oh the men, oh the women!! Rubbish! If you cannot stand by your decision, decide not to in the first place. There is a lot of things that happen, and we always strive to blame others for the consequences.
*I am not seeking a holier than thou state here, or pretend I stand on a morally higher ground. I have, prior to reaching this conclusion, victimized some ladies too. I am stating what should not be, as is assumed to be reality. I seek not to tell you what to do, simply question, why it is so? You are the one who makes choices in your life, and I for one, stand no moral ground to judge you.
You would rather have one friend who tells you the truth, than millions who simply escort you to a ditch.
May God bless and grant quick recovery the victims of yesterday's blast on Kirinyaga road.
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ReplyDeleteHehe...had to share it while it was still raw..