Have you seen the recent Daily Nation Newspaper advert. I love it. This old lady comes into the house after a long day, and craves a rest. Then suddenly, boom! boom! twaf! Loud Music(this is not how my speakers sound, picked up the sound effects from a cartoon). "Junior! Junior", the mother calls out. She goes upstairs. Opens the door; and there the irony is born. Junior is a 37 year old crashing with his mum. Emphasis, is on the guy to move out, and the Daily Nation holds a solution to this. The flip-side of this advert, is the Nation guy who comes to the window. Since the room is upstairs, does it mean he walks on air. Think about it. ?????
In line with this, I recently heard over the radio of Kenyan men, lounging in the confines of their mothers' homes at the ages of 33 and above. Women were up in arms, saying that men were being 'babied' too much, and as a result, it is why there are no 'good' men around. Well, since I only have a liking for women, I cannot attest to that..women know best, but by virtue of being a man...I deem it reasonable to share my sentiments about it.
Someone once told me, there are two kinds of women in a man's life..the woman in-and the woman-of. The woman-in, is more permanent than the woman-of. These are the mothers, sisters, close relatives,wife etc. They are irreplaceable. The woman-of, well...you can fill in the blanks for yourselves. Hehe. Mark you, the wife, eventually becomes a woman-in, in a man's life, from being a woman-of. Simply..from being the woman of his dreams, to being the woman in his dreams. Feel me?. From this, we can derive the new meaning of miracle-in relation to the wife. A miracle is defined as-the ultimate natural connection, between the women-in, and the woman-of (wife to be), centered around a force called "Our son" and "my future husband" respectively. Anhu, bearing this in mind, back to the birth of baby-ied men. It is said that to a mother, her child shall remain an angel, even if the child stole while she was seeing. Likelihood is, to a mother, "How can bad omen, come forth from 9 months of *I lack an adjective*!!" Personally, I have never understood the 'mama's boy-daddy's gal' theory. I believe this 'babied men, misuse this concept. Once they know, they have this unending soft spot, and see life as a ocean of turbulent challenges..well, best stay safe. And where does the safety come from. Mummy. I concur with ladies, that this is shameful. Yet again, what can ladies do about it-play mother season 2..naah. Unfair!!
Question is:what is the way around it. Simple, make the man feel good about himself. Sweeten his ego when you want a problem solved. Know how to cook. All in all, same way you chat up a kid when on the wrong, do so. I am stating so, from the fact that women say, that men are just big babies. These are not my words. Yes, you would say it is being manipulative; but it is this simple things that matter most, as far as I know. Oh, add sweetened sheet duet to that list.. Ever wondered why men thirst for ladies from Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, ama Ocha-ocha? Lady, think!! Anhu, as I have heard, some say it is not in line with the modern woman 50-50 policies. Well, as far as I know the rewards are even greater, meaning you will definitely get more than 50. Fact:once a man makes that special place for you in his heart, its so hard for him to let go. Treat him right, and well, you will be laughing all the way to a shopping spree. (Gentlemen, pardon me for sharing this wisdom, I think. If this does not apply to you, well, if my potential is reading this, then, you know the secret. Daang!!Nothing complicated). To verify this, since women believe 'men are dogs': a caller on radio today, attested that his girlfriend was yet to share her cherry with him for the past five years.
That without a ring, there is no ding. The wedding is scheduled for 2015. Do the math. Well, the man confessed to loyalty to her miss, and would never cheat on her. Oh my, wasn't he scorned. Did I take him seriously. Yes. Why? I am a man, and have had dons of the player industry confide in me as to how they have been humbled by a lady who rocked their hearts. Trust me, no guy usually states this, in honor of the ego. Yep, am saying it as it is. A guy who would not even pay fare for a chic, would start thinking of picnics. Yep, picnics. You see. Therefore, in line with what ladies say, if men are dogs, then we are tame-able, and can become man's best friend. I just did not state so, did I? Ha ha. Am ashamed. I am no dog!!
Disclaimer:That which is stated here, is not the property of the blogger. The false and the truth, lies in your choice of belief!!
Question is:what is the way around it. Simple, make the man feel good about himself. Sweeten his ego when you want a problem solved. Know how to cook. All in all, same way you chat up a kid when on the wrong, do so. I am stating so, from the fact that women say, that men are just big babies. These are not my words. Yes, you would say it is being manipulative; but it is this simple things that matter most, as far as I know. Oh, add sweetened sheet duet to that list.. Ever wondered why men thirst for ladies from Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, ama Ocha-ocha? Lady, think!! Anhu, as I have heard, some say it is not in line with the modern woman 50-50 policies. Well, as far as I know the rewards are even greater, meaning you will definitely get more than 50. Fact:once a man makes that special place for you in his heart, its so hard for him to let go. Treat him right, and well, you will be laughing all the way to a shopping spree. (Gentlemen, pardon me for sharing this wisdom, I think. If this does not apply to you, well, if my potential is reading this, then, you know the secret. Daang!!Nothing complicated). To verify this, since women believe 'men are dogs': a caller on radio today, attested that his girlfriend was yet to share her cherry with him for the past five years.
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Disclaimer:That which is stated here, is not the property of the blogger. The false and the truth, lies in your choice of belief!!
I am not a 'mama's boy'. Personally, I despise men who don't get feed up of their mother's suckle. Been riding solo, for the past, 7 to 8 years. And logically, since I was not conceived by the Holy Spirit but by a collabo' between my mum and dad; I am a papa's and mama's boy. Hehe. I love both my parents, and confide in both when necessary. But when Mrs.B comes through, its simply her, through and through.
Someone just defined me as being quirky...he he...really
ReplyDeleteHahaha. . .Nyc one!
ReplyDeleteShould i recommend this to 'all' men?
I like.
Oh yes Miss Candy...that is the whole idea behind..spread the news...hehe
ReplyDeletewell dear, haha this is interesting it got me glued n eager to read the next and next line. anhu thanks for that description for those who r not able to view the advert(hadi av pictured it on my mind) but on how the ladies should 'behave' if i may use that word, in order for men to feel all 'confident' hun u could have just said men have to be 'tamed' which is true and not only men even women same thing. Plus even if you get that lady wa ocha coz she can do the things you stated, to say that there will be some dogging around is just fair. I say its knowing who u r and wat u want and wat u have not depending on someone to give you a boost, coz it doesn't occur 24 7, so wat happens wen udont get it u go looking for one? really? (pole dear i don't mean to be harsh, thats y its once the blog has gone viral you can expect + and -ves love you though)
ReplyDeleteHa ha..thank you dear..I am open to all views, thus worry not. Mark you, I did state that men need to be tamed. I concur with one understanding themselves...yet again always remember 'While men have authority over women, women have a great influence of women.' All I want women to see, as much as its a supposed to be a 100% give and give situation, women can reap alot more from the situation.
ReplyDeleteOh oh..and be blessed on the thought of going viral..that would be a feat in its own accord!!