Damn!! My room has been smelling like a chemist for the past few weeks. I am the type who hardly gets sick (thanks be to God), but for a moment there, I think my white blood cells went for a retreat in the Bahamas. Illness has been clinging to my health-cells for a month or so; I am finally up and running though.
In our daily romantic encounters, we meet many characters. It is said, that a lady has to kiss many frogs prior to meeting her prince..so if you are a guy, and a chic didn't approve of your smoothing, then you were simply her frog at that time!! LOL! Harsh, I don't think so! Let me not count my frog-phases though, I may end up in a rehab center or getting a seizure, as a result of multi-personality disorder! Anhui, before I proceed, knowing that kissing is a duet feat, which I thank whosoever invented it; what animal does a man kiss prior to meeting his princess?? I wonder!!
Something often happens, and silence takes ownership of the relationship. Then, out of the blues, the phone starts humming to your favorite song...you look at the caller ID...and BAM!!..ni yeye....strangely so...you start boiling up.....start making having what-if wishes( aha, you have been there too).Yep, thats your black-spot, in line with cupid-valley. So, how do you circumvent (wow..I can't believe I just used that word) them? Honestly, I have no clue, thus I seek your indulgence.
I believe life has its on way of spicing things up: spanking you with choices that are simply-complex; taking away special people when you need them the most; poking you with fears ,which to others, make you seem insane; giving you black-spots that are un-fillable...its endless. This is, its sweetness though.The raw uncertainty of what lies ahead. Irregardless of the black-spots you go through, how you choose to drive you 'car' matters a lot. Remember, life is not a rehearsal, time is never patient and you are freaking special. Therefore, before deciding to make a nest for any black-spot in your life...think about it...how many colors out there have you left...aren't those spots...worth your time too...(paint a bigger picture of this, it does not center on relationships only)
People..life is all about choices..we have to make sure we do not let circumstances walk all over us