Life...sweetened heartbeats in the caged ribs of every man, that ascertain one is alive, and has a capacity to learn something new. Of the few things I took from my campus days, is a lesson shared by a lecturer I adored, "Always leave room in your mind to learn something new. You should know, that you can never know, all that is to be known." As each day awakens, my brain takes a jog in the Reality-stadium, so as to keep abreast with the man-eat-man society. As much as I may hate to call it so, this world has no room for sissies. Anhu, as we all take a step forth, kindly take a look at this prayer, found in the Alchemist book, written by Paulo Coelho. For those who have read the book, it won't hurt to read it again...if you never have...then say it with me....
The Forgotten Prayer by Paulo Coelho
"Lord protect our doubts, because Doubt is a way of praying. It is Doubt that makes us grow because it forces us to look fearlessly at the many answers that exist to that one question. And in order for this to be possible...
Lord protect our decisions, because making Decisions is a way of praying. Give us the courage, after our doubts, to be able to choose between one road and another. May our YES always be a YES, and our NO always be a NO. Once we have chosen our road, may we never look back, nor allow our soul to be eaten away by remorse. And in order for this to be possible...
Lord protect our actions, because Action is a way of praying. May our daily bread be the result of the very best that we carry within us. May we, through work and Action, share a little of the love we receive. And in order for this to be possible...
Lord protect our dreams, because to Dream is a way of praying. Make sure that, regardless of our age or our circumstances, we are capable of keeping alight in our heart the sacred flame of hope and perseverance. And in order for this to be possible...
Lord give us enthusiasm, because Enthusiasm is a way of praying. It is what binds us to the heavens and to Earth, to grown-ups, and to children; it is what tells us that our desires are important and deserve our best efforts. It is Enthusiasm that re-affirms to us that everything is possible, as long as we are totally committed to what we are doing. And in order for this to be possible...
Lord protect us, because Life is the only way we have of making manifest of Your miracle. May the earth continue to transform seeds into wheat, may we continue to transmute wheat into bread. And this is only possible if we have Love; therefore, do not leave us solitude. Always give us Your company, and the company of men and women have doubts, who act and dream and feel enthusiasm, and who live each day as if it were totally dedicated to your glory. Amen"
TRUTH: Mr.Coelho summarized it all, I can't top it up. Life is what we choose to make of it. God, for those who believe in a Supreme being, avails us with the circumstances, but we, we are the ones who have the mandate to make the choices and decisions.
Live smart!!
STARK NAKED!! oh yes, stark naked she stood at the bus station, totally bemused and confused by what had just happened. Sadly, unlike men, women have 'more' private parts to cover from the eye of the public, thus with two hands available, it does prove to be a tasking ordeal. This was a scene at Nairobi's Bus station, on the 29th of September, 9.30am. My colleague had passed by the matatu and bus terminus, and witnessed the sight of a lady, a foreigner, being strangled with fear, shock and shame, all in the name of being scantily dressed. Fast Forward-October 2nd, one of our local broadcasters, KTN Kenya, highlighted the issue, attesting that 3 women, had fallen victim to the idle male youth. Strangely so, as I was watching the interview, I realized that the guy being interviewed, is someone I knew-SHAME ON HIM!!
REALITY: What amazes me, is that this 'moral' chaps, have no issue with young men who sag. Recalling my stand-up comedy research, sagging is an act that started in the American gaols. It was a move picked up by gay jail-mates, who wanted to draw attention from their male counterparts. Bearing this in mind, judging not people for their different preferences, I wonder why the scoundrels don't act on this. I believe, whether scanty or not, a lady who has chosen to dress so, is doing so, out of her own comfort. Many a times, I may wonder why a lady can opt to dress in a certain way, yet again, I never picked the dress, so, who am I to deny her freedom. Let it be known, that strangely, in a non-racial way, that if the sort of scanty outfit, was worn by an Asian or White lady, the chaps would hardly make a move. Yet they declare morality on all women, yet its our sisters who bare the shame.
The fact that I have two sisters, and that I may not want them to dress scantily, in honor of their own dignity, I cannot tell them what to wear, or undress them, should they choose otherwise. Double standards should simply not be applied--trying to pretend to uphold tradition in one, and embracing #westernization in the other. Circumstances are availed to all by life, but choices are for the self. A woman who dresses scantily will make men OGLE, but many men shall luck the thirst, her to GOOGLE, because there will be no need to search for information, as it would have already been availed. hehe. That is my view. Fresh, don't you think!! Fact remains though, who are we to judge. I have previously said that, men are naturally, solving beings, and allured by mystery. Knowing so, then a lady who wants to draw attention, yet uphold her dignity, should learn how to make men's visual impair-ness work for her.
Blogger's Stand: I believe women have the right to dress how they want. Call me westernized or brainwashed, and all I will say to that is #bullshit. Why pretend to take a higher moral ground, yet we all have our flaws. Oh, and for crying out loud, the lady left the house so, because she was comfortable in the outfit. I know, I would not do well in a miniskirt and such, but since I have never worn, neither do I intend to, I cannot tell, whether the bearer of the outfit, feels most comfortable in it, or not. Its loads of crap, to pretend to uphold dignity in specific matters, and scorn it in another.
NB: October is here with us, thus for those who have managed to see it come to birth, kindly thank the Heavens. Ladies and gentlemen, let us not forget, that this is the CANCER MONTH.....create awareness, and let your loved ones get tested. Prevention shall always reign supreme!!